Thursday, February 24, 2011

Antique Lovin'

I like antiques. And I like people watching. So naturally I would love the Acorn Antique Show in Ogden. Thanks Cathy, Nolan and Neil for letting me tag along.
This is such a sad little picture from my phone. But trust me. It's the worlds coolest ring.
Cathy and I now have matching poison rings. To matching-ly poison Neil and Nolan.
Jk. We'd never do that. But we now have the means. 

So here is my new and wonderful antique shirt. It's gorgeous and I absolutely love it.
I promise I don't wear it around with pajama bottoms (like is pictured).
And I don't solely wear it in the bathroom (like is pictured). 

Here is Neil. He's a stud. He sends me pictures of himself on the days he knows he's lookin' pretty fine.
I appreciate this.
Here he models his new/antique vest. It is part of a 3-piece suit he found at the Acorn Antique Show.
Notice he also likes bathroom pictures.
Aaaaand he brought his pepsi in with him.

We also had a chance to spend some time at the cottage in Lewiston. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, the cottage is the single most awesome house on planet earth. It is an old, victorian style, 7 bedroom house. Once a polygamist house, the Johnson family restored it to it's full potential of: awesome. When Neil first told me about it I seriously thought he was a habitual liar. BUT he's not folks. The magical "too good to be true" house actually exists. And it's perfect. Cathy has filled it with antiques galore. Along with hours of house-exploring-fun, there is a number of antique dresses I had the chance to try on (We're looking for a dress to match the 3 piece suit mentioned above. Why? 6 words. Alaska. Cruise. Formal. Dinner. June 7th.) Pictures soon to come. Hem-hem, Neil.

1 comment:

  1. GAH i cant believe you are going to alaska! what an awesome boyfriend you have. miss you girl!
