Friday, June 4, 2010

Some Trashy White Hoes...

I didn't realize how much I miss little Kaylen, Susan, and Kelsey until they came to visit! Oh yay! Who feels special now? (The answer is totally: me.) Nudist camping, tattoo parlor hunting, Persian Peacock, brownie everydaes at the penis table at Caspers, wind tunnel, unicorn temporary tattoos, convertible? Does this sound awkward to the max? Yes? Probably cause it was.  
I need to make some uglier friends.

In other news:
Signs is like the greatest movie ever! I'm alarmed by the fact that no one enjoys it quite like I do. 

I created a significant acid spill at work yesterday. I placed a lawn mower battery on a cart upside down. The acid leaked all over the RETURNS floor, then created a path from the RETURNS desk to the back of the store when it was moved. THEN over night, it leaked so much that it took 4 boxes of baking soda to neutralize the spill. There are now 2 permanent white "puddles" and a very visible path throughout the store connecting the 2 puddles. I felt bad, but I couldn't stop laughing. How retarded am I? When I asked to put my signature on the puddle, all my manager could say was, "It's a good thing we like you Katie."

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